

118 Uppsatser om Entity attribute value - Sida 1 av 8

Entity Framework 4.0, enutvärdering av ett ORMramverk

När man kombinerar ett objektorienterat programmeringsspråk och en relationsdatabas uppstår en del problem för utvecklare eftersom objektorienterade programmeringsspråk och relationsdatabaser har olika fokus, objektorienterade programmeringsspråk fokuserar på att avbilda verkliga objekt och relationsdatabaser fokuserar på data. De problem som uppstår kallas med ett samlingsnamn för object-relational mismatch. Det finns flertalet ramverk för att hantera dessa problem. Ett av dem är Entity Framework.Syftet med detta projekt var att utvärdera hur utvecklare tycker att Entity Framework fungerar för att lösa problematiken runt object-relational mismatch, hur det är för utvecklare att lära sig använda Entity Framework samt hur tillgången på inlärningsmaterial är.Under vår studie har vi lärt oss använda Entity Framework samtidigt som vi gjort en studie av tillgången på inlärningsmaterial. Vi har också byggt om en applikation så att den använder Entity Framework.

Objekt-relationsmappning i datacentrerad applikation

Denna rapport presenterar en undersökning av sex olika objekt-relationsmappningsramverk, nämligen Entity Framework, LINQ to SQL, NHibernate, Castle ActiveRecord, MyGeneration Doodads och Subsonic. Undersökningen redogör för styrkor och svagheter hos de olika ramverken samt diskuterar när respektive ramverk är lämpligt att använda.De ramverk som bedömdes vara mest intressanta var NHibernate och Entity Framework, då de erbjuder flexibel mappning mellan domänmodellen och det underliggande databasschemat samt god tillgång till dokumentation och litteratur.Undersökningen användes som grund för att besluta vilket av de aktuella ramverken som skulle användas vid en omskrivning av en existerande applikation för IT-konsultföretaget Sogeti. Det ramverk som ansågs mest lämpligt för applikationen var NHibernate..

Entitetkontinuitet : en religionspsykologisk tolkning

?Entity continuity? refers to recurrent transcendent experiences related to certain places (?hauntings?). The experiences are often interpreted to be due to discarnate spirits or folklore entities. Although the entity continuity experience can be regarded as religious experience, they have yet to be fully explored in science of religion.The purpose of this paper was to describe entity continuity experiences and map out the scientific discussion in order to provide a psychology of religion that provides an understanding of the phenomena. For this purpose a literature study of theories of jungian psychology, parapsychology, and described experiences was undertaken.

Filtrering av e-post ? Binär klassifikation med naiv Bayesiansk teknik

In this thesis we compare how different strategies in choosing attribute values affects junk mail filtering. We used two different variants of a naïve Bayesian junk mail filter. The first variant classified an e-mail by comparing it to a feature vector containing all attribute values that were found in junk mails in the part of the e-mail collection we used for training the filter. The second variant compared an e-mail to a feature vector that consisted of the attributes that was found in ten or more junk mails in the part of the e-mail collection we used for training the filter. We used an e-mail collection that consisted of 300 e-mails, 210 of these were junk mails and 90 were legitimate e-mails.

The Trivial Pursuit: Den modererande effekten av kunskap och engagemang på utvärderingen av produkter med triviala attribut.

Research has concluded that meaningless differentiation with trivial attributes sometimes can be a successful strategy. However, the effect varies with respect to certain aspects such as the price of the product and the decision context. How the characteristics of the consumer influence the effect of trivial attributes has until now been unknown. This thesis investigates how the consumer?s level of knowledge and personal involvement influence the effects of trivial attributes on product preferences and product attitudes.

Effektiv och underhållssäker lagring av medicinsk data

Creating a database to manage medical data is not the easiest. We create a database to be used for a presentation tool that presents medical data about patients that is stored in the database. We examine which of the three databases, MySQL with relational design, MySQL with EAV design and MongoDB that are best suited for storing medical data. The analysis i performed in two steps. The first step handles the database that is most effective to retriev data. The second step examines how easy it is to change the structure of the various databases. The results show that depending on whether efficiency or maintenance is most important, different databases are the best choise. MySQL with relational design proves to be most effective while MongoDB is the easiest to maintain..

 Moderbolagsperspektiv kontra enhetsperspektiv  : - motiv och konsekvens i teori och praktik

Abstract The development towards an international accounting standard implies that Swedish groups of companies that are not quoted on the stock exchange can use a parent company perspective or an entity perspective while making their group accounting. The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the motives behind the groups of companies choice of perspective and to show how these motives agrees with the effect it has on the profit and loss account and on the balance sheet.The study includes four fictitious groups of companies based on real groups of companies. Every group of companies includes 1-3 subsidiary companies, where at least one is owned by the parent company with 51-70 %. Some assumptions were made before the consolidation.Relevant key numbers have been calculated according to both perspectives and then compared. A total of three semi structured interviews have been carried out two with representatives for the real groups of companies and one with a chartered accountant.

Att identifiera uttryck

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the possibility to identify the FRBR entity expression from existing catalogue records performed within the context of Swedish cataloguing rules. The empirical study uses a sample of records from the catalogue within the library at the University College of Borås. To begin with, the thesis reports some of the earlier discussion about the FRBR model. That gives an understanding of which problems the model has and justifies the study?s delimitation towards expression.

Implementering av ett bokningssystem med Google Calendar

Denna rapport redogör för implementationen av ett bokningssystem med integrering av Google Calendar API. Uppdraget var främst till för att utvärdera potentialen av ett bokningssystem där Google Calendar användes som scheman för personalen. Projektet skulle även kunna användas som ett grundsystem för att skräddarsy bokningssystem för olika företagsmodeller.Det slutgiltiga systemet blev en hemsida för tidsbokning, ett Web-API för kommunikation med hemsidan, integration av Google Calendar API för att hämta och lägga till tidsbokningar på personalens scheman samt lagring av data i en databas..

Socknen - den plats vi är : En studie om platsuppfattning i Ydre kommun

The term socken ? comparable to the English term parish ? refers to a historical geographical entity found in rural areas of Scandinavia. This entity presents a multi-layered understanding of the local rural area and is in this essay conceptualized as a place. The concept of place is central to geographic work but it is also a contested term ? discourses within the field of geography present different perspectives on place as a geographical concept and our understanding of it.The history of parishes goes centuries back.

Störst, Bäst och Vackrast: En studie av varumärkessaliens påverkan på attityder och attributvärdering

The authors study the effects of brand salience on how consumers form brand attitudes and how consumers value the importance of various brand attributes. The study was conducted through two separate tests, the one focusing on the link between brand salience and brand attitudes and the other focusing on the link between brand salience and evaluations of attribute importance. Both tests measured brand salience as the ease with which brands are recalled by respondents who have been cued with a specific product category. The results show that brand salience has direct effects on both brand attitudes and the evaluation of attribute importance. As brands are recalled, high brand salience for a brand creates a more positive attitude towards that brand in the mind of the consumer.

ADO.NET och Entity Framework : En jämförelse av prestanda mellan en objektorienterad databas och en relationsdatabas

Denna uppsats mäter och jämför prestanda mellan en objektorienterad databas och en relationsdatabas. Uppsatsen bygger på en utredande karaktär utifrån vår hypotes och vårt intresse att testa den.Hypotesen bygger på problematiken omkring mängden kod utvecklaren måste skriva för att kunna koppla ihop applikation med databas. En större mängd skriven kod som utvecklaren måste skriva borde göra att prestanda och svarstider blir långsammare. Därför ville vi undersöka om verktyg som medför en mindre mängd skriven kod kan förbättra prestandan och ge snabbare svarstider.Vi valde att testa vår hypotes mellan ADO. NET relationsdatabas och ADO.

Implikationer av tjänsteföretagets utfästelser för kunders reaktioner i felsituationen

The characteristic of services as an effort carried out in a "moment of truth" implies a risk for failures. This study sheds new light on how alternative offerings that customers are initially exposed to can affect satisfaction and loyalty in the service failure and recovery context. More specifically, two aspects of the initial offering are studied: promised general service quality and the presence of a promise about a specific product attribute. Based on a presentation of the main theoretical perspectives, hypotheses are formulated and a scenario-based experiment in a hotel setting is designed to explore these. The results indicate that a higher level of promised service quality can result in more positive evaluations of satisfaction and stronger word-of-mouth intentions than for a lower level of promised service quality.

Country of origin - consumers?perception at the point of purchase of meat : a means-end chain analysis

Focus of this study was on the underlying values behind consumers buying motives at the point of purchase of meat products in Sweden. Meat consumption in Sweden has increased and in 2012, almost 50% of all meat consumed was imported (SJV, 2013). This is the case despite of the fact that consumers frequently state the importance of Swedish country of origin on the meat products they purchase (www, LRF, 2, 2006). A rising public awareness about health, environmental issues, animal welfare and food safety coupled to meat consumption and meat production is scrutinized both from media and consumers. Due to rising concerns of production-methods of meat, consumers wants to make informed purchasing decisions of the meat they purchase (BEUC, 2013).

Supra-National Origin Marking Schemes

Abstract The growth of supra-national organizations, such as the European Union, has been a recent trend in today?s global environment, which has challenged traditional marketing concepts and product cues. One such cue that is significantly challenged is the 'origin cue'. An origin cue is conceived to be a socially constructed notion that consumers use to discern where goods come from and to accordingly evaluate products with. The origin cue is often predominantly materialized in the public sphere by a 'made in' labelling scheme.

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